One aspect of Japan that I enjoyed was カラオケ (Karaoke)! When I was in Japan, I loved to get my friends together and go hit up a Karaoke bar! What fun times! There are a bijillion karaoke places in Japan! Singing is one way many teens let loose and relax after a hard week of school. It's like having a drinking party and then making a complete ass of yourself while singing along to your favorite song... the best part is... you don't have to be able to sing!

I've been to a range of karaoke places, from the glorious neatly kept to the run down-possibly-homeless-men-living-headquarters type of building... Never the less, all of them have been pleasant experiences. Some of the front desks have interesting English phrases expressing the fun times while singing karaoke... この写真の英語わかる?面白いって思う!笑

The rooms are usually just big enough to fit the amount of people you came with... You first order something to eat or drink before singing! You have to order by phone to the front desk and I found that to be so much fun to do! The picture on the left is of one of the rooms which had a black light in it!
The range of songs and genres of music avaiable is vast! I loved the fact that you could find Japanese and English songs to sing along too! Singing in Japanese, for me, is me letting go and allowing my mind to use my skills in the Japanese language as if I was a native speaker... I do miss it terribly!
The longest time I've stayed at a karaoke bar was 8 hours... yes! A night of mayhem singing from midnight to 8am! To think, people will go until their lungs are sore to sing all night long! I sure did! It was soooooo much fun! I could have stayed even longer! I wish we had places like this in America! (Yes... that's me singing to an Orange Range song... I think embarrassing myself in this blog will happen more often than I want... hahaha)

Well I think I've talked enough about カラオケ! If you travel to Japan, I recommend going at least one, but go with some Japanese people as well so you can experience that specific subculture!

Until Next Time! (^_^)
Chao, Tokyo